Our mission is to advocate for and enjoy healthy water, land, and air.
Many thanks to the Seward Community Foundation who recently funded our invasive species effort! A big THANK YOU to the Seward Community Foundation for the mini-grant received this spring from the Kaanta Community Fund for the Beautification of Seward. The money will help with continued maintenance of the Schoolyard Habitat at the Seward Elementary School.
RBCA has added a new web page to introduce you to Seward Cares for its Bears. Check it out. It has tons of information and links to everywhere relevant.
The Alaska Beacon published a very informative story about the success of electric fences for deterring bears and the Defenders of Wildlife rebate (up to $500) if you buy an electric fence!
We hope to get more bear-resistant garbage cans soon. Check back.
In 2005, the Resurrection Bay Conservation Alliance (RBCA), based in Seward Alaska, formed to advance the environmental integrity of our community. We focus on watershed issues like air and water pollution, protection and restoration of habitat, reducing bear and human conflicts, controlling invasive species and weighing in on development proposals.
Resurrection Bay is precious. Glaciers spilling out of both the Harding and Sargent Icefields push down to treeline or tideline, unnamed peaks recede along the horizon and in the Bay itself, sea mammals, pelagic birds, and salmon do their thing. Perched on an alluvial fan at the head of the Bay, Seward hosts hundreds of thousands of visitors drawn by the same natural beauty and wildness that keeps locals here throughout the year.
Recreating in Resurrection Bay
Since the establishment of Kenai Fjords National Park in 1980, Seward's economic base has shifted toward tourism. Tourism relies on an intact ecosystem and all its attributes. People come here to kayak, hike, sail, watch wildlife.That's what we try to protect.