Trustees for Alaska Trustees for Alaska is a public interest law firm whose mission is to provide legal counsel to sustain and protect Alaska's natural environment. We represent local and national environmental groups, Alaska Native villages and nonprofit organizations, community groups, hunters, fishers and others where the outcome of our advocacy could benefit Alaska's environment.
Alaska Community Action on Toxics ACAT is a statewide organization established in 1997 and dedicated to achieving environmental health and justice. Their mission is: to assure justice by advocating for environmental and community health. We believe that everyone has the right to clean air, clean water, and toxic-free food.
Alaska Conservation Foundation ACF builds strategic leadership and support for Alaskan efforts to take care of wild lands, waters, and wildlife, which sustain diverse cultures, healthy communities, and prosperous economies. Alaska Plastic Recovery APR’s mission is to create useful construction products from recycled plastics. The source material is derived from Plastic Ocean Waste provided by several marine debris clean-up efforts, from residential recycling programs, and from industry. APR’s processing facility is entirely mobile, allowing it to move from community to community where recycled plastics are stored, convert this plastic into useful construction products (e.g. Recycled Plastic Lumber, Recycled Plastic Bricks), and sell the resulting products through local sales channels. This distributed recycling model is ideal for the rural coastal communities common to Alaska. Alaska Wildlands Adventures Alaska Wildland Adventures is Alaska’s leader in lodge-based adventure travel. Our goal is simple: to share Alaska’s wilderness with a few people who want a high quality, true Alaska vacation experience without compromising comfortable accommodations.
Cook Inletkeeper CIK is a community-based nonprofit organization that combined advocacy, education and science toward its mission to protect Alaska’s Cook Inlet watershed and the life it sustains. Defenders of Wildlife Defenders is working to protect threatened polar bears in Alaska’s Arctic and other wildlife from the threats of climate change, industrial development and unsound management practices. We also work with tribes, conservation partners and other allies to protect key wildlife habitat, such as Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Tongass National Forest and National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation Alaska's park system encompasses some three-million acres of land and water; by far the most acreage of any state park system in the country. (Five heavy food lockers that are bear proof are located on Parks land. The purchase and installation was a joint effort between RBCA and Defenders.) Ground Truth Trekking GTT seeks to promote responsible and sustainable choices about natural resource issues in Alaska, combining in-depth research with on-the-ground expeditions. Our mission is to drive smart choices by delivering compelling facts, stories and photos of the places at the heart of the controversies.
Kachemak Heritage Land Trust KHLT is a non-profit organization, established in 1989 to preserve for public benefit, land with significant natural, recreational, or cultural values by working with willing landowners on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula.
Kenai Fjords National Park The local Park Service has been an integral partner in our marine debris program. They've provided small boats, support from larger vessels and enthusiastic volunteers.
Kenai Peninsula Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area KP-CISMA is a volunteer organization dedicated to preventing the introduction and managing the spread of non-native, invasive weeds across the Kenai Peninsula. KP-CISMA is composed of various non-profits, tribal organizations, and governmental agencies. Kenai Watershed Forum The mission of the Kenai Watershed Forum is to work together for healthy watersheds on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Northern Latitude Adventures provides signature whale watching tours and glacier and wildlife cruises. Pick. Click. Give Pick.Click.Give. allows Alaskans to donate a portion of their Permanent Fund Dividend to causes they care about statewide. Renewable Energy Alaska Project REAP is a coalition of urban and rural Alaska utilities, businesses, conservation groups, consumer groups, and Alaska Native organizations with an interest in developing Alaska's vast renewable energy resources. REAP's goal is to increase the production of renewable energy in Alaska. REAP believes that the development of those resources will provide numerous important economic opportunities for the state.
Seward Community Foundation Their endowment allows grant awards that improve the lives of Seward and Moose Pass residents in areas such as health, education, human services, arts and culture, youth, and community development. SCF connects people who care to the causes that make a difference and matter most to them.
Seward Nordic Ski Club SNSC is dedicated to the pursuit of skiing around Seward. They focus on high school racing, ski skating, snowshoeing trips, and touring.
Sierra Club Alaska Chapter Enjoy, explore and protect the planet.
Alaska Conservation Foundation ACF builds strategic leadership and support for Alaskan efforts to take care of wild lands, waters, and wildlife, which sustain diverse cultures, healthy communities, and prosperous economies. Alaska Plastic Recovery APR’s mission is to create useful construction products from recycled plastics. The source material is derived from Plastic Ocean Waste provided by several marine debris clean-up efforts, from residential recycling programs, and from industry. APR’s processing facility is entirely mobile, allowing it to move from community to community where recycled plastics are stored, convert this plastic into useful construction products (e.g. Recycled Plastic Lumber, Recycled Plastic Bricks), and sell the resulting products through local sales channels. This distributed recycling model is ideal for the rural coastal communities common to Alaska. Alaska Wildlands Adventures Alaska Wildland Adventures is Alaska’s leader in lodge-based adventure travel. Our goal is simple: to share Alaska’s wilderness with a few people who want a high quality, true Alaska vacation experience without compromising comfortable accommodations.
Cook Inletkeeper CIK is a community-based nonprofit organization that combined advocacy, education and science toward its mission to protect Alaska’s Cook Inlet watershed and the life it sustains. Defenders of Wildlife Defenders is working to protect threatened polar bears in Alaska’s Arctic and other wildlife from the threats of climate change, industrial development and unsound management practices. We also work with tribes, conservation partners and other allies to protect key wildlife habitat, such as Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Tongass National Forest and National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation Alaska's park system encompasses some three-million acres of land and water; by far the most acreage of any state park system in the country. (Five heavy food lockers that are bear proof are located on Parks land. The purchase and installation was a joint effort between RBCA and Defenders.) Ground Truth Trekking GTT seeks to promote responsible and sustainable choices about natural resource issues in Alaska, combining in-depth research with on-the-ground expeditions. Our mission is to drive smart choices by delivering compelling facts, stories and photos of the places at the heart of the controversies.
Kachemak Heritage Land Trust KHLT is a non-profit organization, established in 1989 to preserve for public benefit, land with significant natural, recreational, or cultural values by working with willing landowners on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula.
Kenai Fjords National Park The local Park Service has been an integral partner in our marine debris program. They've provided small boats, support from larger vessels and enthusiastic volunteers.
Kenai Peninsula Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area KP-CISMA is a volunteer organization dedicated to preventing the introduction and managing the spread of non-native, invasive weeds across the Kenai Peninsula. KP-CISMA is composed of various non-profits, tribal organizations, and governmental agencies. Kenai Watershed Forum The mission of the Kenai Watershed Forum is to work together for healthy watersheds on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Northern Latitude Adventures provides signature whale watching tours and glacier and wildlife cruises. Pick. Click. Give Pick.Click.Give. allows Alaskans to donate a portion of their Permanent Fund Dividend to causes they care about statewide. Renewable Energy Alaska Project REAP is a coalition of urban and rural Alaska utilities, businesses, conservation groups, consumer groups, and Alaska Native organizations with an interest in developing Alaska's vast renewable energy resources. REAP's goal is to increase the production of renewable energy in Alaska. REAP believes that the development of those resources will provide numerous important economic opportunities for the state.
Seward Community Foundation Their endowment allows grant awards that improve the lives of Seward and Moose Pass residents in areas such as health, education, human services, arts and culture, youth, and community development. SCF connects people who care to the causes that make a difference and matter most to them.
Seward Nordic Ski Club SNSC is dedicated to the pursuit of skiing around Seward. They focus on high school racing, ski skating, snowshoeing trips, and touring.
Sierra Club Alaska Chapter Enjoy, explore and protect the planet.